We offer a list of after school programs to showcase the God given talents and abilities of our students.
Thank you for your interest in St. Augustine's Latchkey program. It is available for morning and afternoon sessions each school day except where noted. To learn more, select "Explore Our Program" below.
Students share their personal experience at St. Augustine:
"This school has influenced me in more ways than I can count. Everyone here has helped me in some way."
"Being able to attend St. Augustine has been one of the best opportunities ever given to me. Having the chance to freely express myself and my Religion without being afraid people will judge me has been one of the best gifts ever given to me and I owe it all to my parents."
"When I moved here I thought I wasn't going to have any friends. In fact, I still don't have friends. I have a family. A family I could not get anywhere else but here."
"I'm properly prepared for my life beyond grade school and all thanks to my teachers I met along the way."