Students demonstrate the value of carrying out the mission daily:
St. Augustine Catholic School spreads the good N.E.W.S by Navigating a Christian course, Educating body, mind and spirit, Worshipping the Lord, and Serving others.
Our Philosophy:
The St. Augustine School Community believes that all children are unique gifts and creations of God with individual needs and abilities. We believe in the development of the whole child (mind, body, spirit), based on Catholic values as expressed in the Gospels.The faculty, in partnership with the family, parish, and community, strives to provide a foundation which encourages and enables our children to develop to their highest potential: self-discipline, respect for self and others, academic skills and knowledge, a love of learning for learning's sake, and the ability to think creatively and problem solve in order that they might become productive members of God's universe, responsible citizens of a free society, and active, participating members of the Catholic Church.